83 research outputs found

    Packaging and assembly for integrated photonics - a review of the ePIXpack photonics packaging platform

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    [EN] We review recent work done by the photonics packaging platform ePIXpack that serves the academic community with packaging and assembly developments in the area of integrated photonics. The paper includes recent examples of our packaging and assembly work, covering a broad range of technologies from silicon photonics to InP-based devicesThis work was supported in part by the European Union (EU)-funded FP6-project ePIXnet, and in part by the FP7-project BOOM.Zimmermann, L.; Preve, GB.; Tekin, T.; Rosin, T.; Landles, K. (2011). Packaging and assembly for integrated photonics - a review of the ePIXpack photonics packaging platform. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 17(3):645-651. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTQE.2010.2084992S64565117

    Land use change detection between Tarsus - Karataş in Lower Seyhan plain with spectral angle mapper technique

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    Yaşam alanlarını oluşturan kara parçalarının bilinçsiz ve kontrolsüz kullanımı nedeni ile ortaya çıkan olumsuzlukların, doğada neden olduğu tahribatı engellemeye yönelik doğayı ve doğal kaynakları koruma düşüncesi arazi kullanım planlamalarının önemini artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Çukurova’nın güney kesiminde ekolojik olarak öneme sahip olan doğal koruma alanlarından biri olan Akyatan yaban hayatı geliştirme sahasını da içeren ve Ramsar koruma alanlarının da yer aldığı, bir kısmı ile Seyhan ovası içerisinde bulunan Tarsus (Mersin) ile Karataş (Adana) arasındaki bölgede, 1985, 2000 ve 2019 yılları arasındaki arazi kullanımında meydana gelen değişimler incelenmiştir. Analizlerde 30 m mekânsal çözünürlüğe sahip Landsat-5TM 1985, Landsat-5TM 2000 ve Landsat-8 OLI 2019 uydu görüntüleri kullanılmıştır. Uydu görüntüleriyle öncelikli olarak geometrik, radyometrik kalibrasyon ve atmosferik düzenlemelerden oluşan ön işleme çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Arazi kullanım değişim tespitinde Spektral Açı haritalama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre 1985-2019 yılları arasında yerleşim, ekili olmayan tarım, orman ve yarı doğal ve lagün/göller alanlarında %192, %37, %7 ve %8’lik büyüme gelişirken, çıplak ve ekili tarım alanlarda ise %43 ve %21’lik oranlarda azalmalar meydana gelmiştir. Aynı zamanda ülkemizde bulunan aktif fay hatlarından biri olan Karataş fayı civarında 500, 1000 ve 2000 m’lik tampon bölgeler içerisinde yerleşim birimlerinde meydana gelen değişimler değerlendirilmiştir. Karataş fayı civarında ise yerleşimin 1985 ile 2019 yılları arasında yapılaşmaların %192 oranında arttığı belirlenmiştir. Yapılan kontrollü sınıflama çalışmalarının doğruluğu kappa istatistiği ile değerlendirilmiş olup 1985, 2000 ve 2019 yılları için sırasıyla 0.80, 0.84, 0.87 olarak hesaplanmıştırThe idea of protecting the nature and natural resources in order to prevent the damages caused by unconscious and uncontrolled use of the land pieces constituting the habitats increases the importance of land use planning. The region between Tarsus (Mersin) and Karataş (Adana) located in the Ramsar protected areas, including the Akyatan wildlife development area, which is one of the ecologically important natural conservation areas in the southern part of Çukurova is selected to be examined the land use changes between 1985, 2000 and 2019 in this study. Landsat-5TM 1985, Landsat-5TM 2000 and Landsat-8 OLI 2019 satellite images with a spatial resolution of 30 m were used in the analyzes. Pretreatment studies, which consist primarily of geometric, radiometric calibration and atmospheric arrangements, have been performed with satellite images. Spectral Angle mapping method was used for land use change detection. According to the results obtained, growth of 192%, 37%, 7% and 8% growth in settlement, non-cultivated agriculture, forest and semi-natural and lagoon / lakes areas between 1985-2019, and 43% and 21% in bare and cultivated agricultural areas Decreases in rates of 21 have occurred. It was determined that the settlements around the Karataş fault increased by 192% between 1985 and 2019. The accuracy of the controlled classification studies was evaluated with kappa statistics and calculated as 0,80, 0,84, 0,87 for 1985, 2000 and 2019, respectively

    Bifosfanat kullanımına bağlı çenelerde gelişen osteonekrozlar: Çok merkezli retrospektif çalışma

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    Bifosfonatlar (BP), metastatik kemik hastalıkları ve osteoporoz tedavisinde kullanılan kemik rezorbsiyonu inhibitörleridir. Bifosfanat kullanımına bağlı çenelerde gelişen osteonekroz (BBÇO), çenelerinde radyasyon tedavisi görmemiş, bifosfanat kullanan ya da kullanmış hastalarda mandibula ya da maksillada 8 haftadan daha uzun süren kemik ekspozu ile karakterize bir durum olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada farklı merkeze yönlendirilen BBÇO vakaları retrospektif olarak sunulmuştur. 2012 ve 2013 yıllarında GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Diş Hekimliği, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, ve Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Ağız, Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi kliniklerine başvuran BBÇO tanısı konulmuş 18 hastanın demografik özellikleri, anamnez bulguları, klinik muayene bulguları, bifosfanat çeşidi ve kullanım bilgileri (süre, uygulama yolu) ve eğer varsa ilgili sebep açısından değerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır. Hastaların 12’ sinde mandibula (% 67), 5’ inde maksilla (%28) ve 1 hastada ise hem mandibula hem maksillada (%5) BBÇO izlendi. Hastaların 2 tanesi osteoporozis (% 11) nedeniyle 16 hasta ise (% 89) onkolojik tedavi nedeniyle bifosfanat grubu ilaç kullanmaktaydı. Tıp ve diş hekimliğini ortak olarak ilgilendiren konu olması itibariyle bifosfanat grubu ilaç tedavisine başlanacak hasta gruplarının ortak klinikler tesis edilerek takip edilmeleri ve bilgi paylaşımlarıyla ortaya çıkabilecek olası komplikasyonların azaltılabileceğini düşünmekteyiz

    High-speed electronics for short-link communication

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    High-speed electronic integrated circuits are essential to the development of new fiber-optic communication systems. Close integration and co-design of photonic and electronic devices are becoming more and more a necessity to realize the best performance trade-offs. This paper presents our most recent results and a brief introduction to our research in recently started EU projects


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    International audienceRecently, the popularity of social networks is attracting interest from the world of education. In fact, these tools, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Periscope, are becoming more and more invasive and are becoming more important in people's lives, and even more so in the lives of young people. According to statistics provided by the research "We are Social (2018)", the average time spent on social networks is 1h22 per day in France. Given this reality, it is important to look at the specific characteristics of these tools in order to better understand them and explore their potential in teaching and learning. By integrating the tools of social networks in which young people are active users, the teaching can adapt more to the daily life of these. In this sense, our work presents the results of research on the effects of remote oral feedback and writing delivered in a digital environment for learning mathematics. We supported our study of qualitative and quantitative analyzes, and our research sample consists of high school and graduate students who took their courses using two social media tools, Periscope and Twitter. These are specific tools that allow feedback: the connections that are established within a virtual learning community involve students and teachers. To our knowledge, our research would be the first work to have attempted to identify teacher and peer feedbacks delivered in a mathematics course via the Periscope and Twitter tools used at the secondary school level in Turkey and evaluate the effects on learning. In order to be able to identify and analyze the effects of oral feedback with Periscope and writings delivered with Twitter, during 2016-2017, we conducted a questionnaire survey composed of 15 questions with a sample of high school students. within the Twitter network. According to the results, it appears that high school students receive a large amount of comments on Periscope and Twitter which they claim to have greatly benefited. Different forms of feedback have been made explicit by high school students who have shown how they have used them appropriately in mathematics classes through online interactions on Periscope and Twitter. They highlight the factor of temporality, in particular, emphasizing the possibility of receiving teacher feedback in a timely manner and thus declare better understanding of the course. One condition seems to point out that the effectiveness of the feedbacks requires that they be realized when the high school students are invested in activities related to the mathematics course.Récemment, la popularité des réseaux sociaux suscite l'intérêt du monde de l'éducation. En effet, ces outils, tels que Facebook, Instagram, Twitter et Periscope, sont de plus en plus envahissants et prennent une importance dans le quotidien des gens, et encore plus, dans celui des jeunes. Selon les statistiques fournies par la recherche « We are Social (2018) », le temps moyen passé sur les réseaux sociaux est de 1h22 par jour en France. Compte tenu de cette réalité, il semble important de se pencher sur les caractéristiques propres de ces outils afin de mieux les comprendre et d'explorer leur potentiel dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. En intégrant les outils des réseaux sociaux dont les jeunes sont les usagers actifs, l'enseignement peut s'adapter davantage à leur vie quotidienne. En ce sens, notre travail présente les résultats d'une recherche sur les effets des feedbacks oraux à distance et des écrits délivrés dans un environnement numérique pour l'apprentissage des mathématiques. Nous avons appuyé notre étude sur les analyses qualitatives et quantitatives et notre échantillon de recherche se compose d'étudiants de niveau lycée et diplômés, ayant suivi leurs cours à l'aide de deux outils de réseaux sociaux, et Twitter Periscope. Ce sont des outils spécifiques qui permettent les feedbacks : les connexions qui s'établissent au sein d'une communauté d'apprentissage virtuelle impliquent étudiants et enseignants. À notre connaissance, notre recherche serait le premier travail à avoir tenté d'identifier les feedbacks de l'enseignant et des pairs délivrés dans un cours de mathématiques via les outils Periscope et Twitter utilisés au niveau de l'enseignement secondaire en Turquie, et d'en évaluer les effets sur les apprentissages. Afin de pouvoir identifier et analyser les effets des feedbacks oraux à distance avec Periscope et des écrits délivrés avec Twitter, au cours de l'année 2016-2017, nous avons réalisé une enquête par questionnaire composé de 15 questions auprès d'un échantillon de lycéens au sein du réseau Twitter. Selon les résultats, il ressort que les lycéens reçoivent une quantité importante de commentaires sur Periscope et sur Twitter dont ils déclarent avoir largement profité. Différentes formes de feedback ont été explicitées par les lycéens qui ont montré comment ils les avaient mis à profit de manière adéquate dans les cours de mathématiques à travers des interactions en ligne sur Periscope et Twitter. Ils mettent en avant le facteur de la temporalité, notamment, en soulignant la possibilité de recevoir des feedbacks de l'enseignant en temps opportun et déclarent ainsi mieux comprendre le cours. Une condition semble être que l'efficacité des feedbacks requiert qu'ils se réalisent quand les lycéens sont investis dans des activités liées au cours de mathématiques. ABSTRACT Recently, the popularity of social networks is attracting interest from the world of education. In fact, these tools, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Periscope, are becoming more and more invasive and are becoming more important in people's lives, and even more so in the lives of young people. According to statistics provided by the research "We are Social (2018)", the average time spent on social networks is 1h22 per day in France. Given this reality, it is important to look at the specific characteristics of these tools in order to better understand them and explore their potential in teaching and learning. By integrating the tools of social networks in which young people are active users, the teaching can adapt more to the daily life of these. In this sense, our work presents the results of research on the effects of remote oral feedback and writing delivered in a digital environment for learning mathematics. We supported our study of qualitative and quantitative analyzes, and our research sample consists of high school and graduate students who took their courses using two social media tools, Periscope and Twitter. These are specific tools that allow feedback: the connections that are established within a virtual learning community involve students and teachers. To our knowledge, our research would be the first work to have attempted to identify teacher and peer feedbacks delivered in a mathematics course via the Periscope and Twitter tools used at the secondary school level in Turkey and evaluate the effects on learning. In order to be able to identify and analyze the effects of oral feedback with Periscope and writings delivered with Twitter, during 2016-2017, we conducted a questionnaire survey composed of 15 questions with a sample of high school students. within the Twitter network. According to the results, it appears that high school students receive a large amount of comments on Periscope and Twitter which they claim to have greatly benefited. Different forms of feedback have been made explicit by high school students who have shown how they have used them appropriately in mathematics classes through online interactions on Periscope and Twitter. They highlight the factor of temporality, in particular, emphasizing the possibility of receiving teacher feedback in a timely manner and thus declare better understanding of the course. One condition seems to point out that the effectiveness of the feedbacks requires that they be realized when the high school students are invested in activities related to the mathematics course

    Monolithisch integrierte gewinn-verschobene Mach-Zehnder Interferometer für rein-optisches Demultiplexen

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    Das optische Zeitmultiplex-Verfahren (optical time division multiplexing, OTDM) ist eines der gebräuchlichsten Verfahren, um die Datenübertragungskapazität einzelner Glasfaser zu erhöhen. Auf der Empfängerseite sind die Signale der Basisdatenrate durch einen optischen Schalter mit einer Demultiplexer Funktion wieder zurückzugewinnen. Die verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Realisierung schneller optischer Demultiplexer unterscheiden sich im wesentlichen durch ihre Ansteuerung: Elektro-optische und rein-optische Demultiplexer. Der rein-optische Schalter basiert auf dem Prinzip Licht durch Licht zu steuern. Die wichtigsten Anforderungen an schnelle Schalter sind: Die Öffnungszeiten der Schalter müssen kürzer als die Bitperiode des OTDM Datensignals sein; der Schalter muss ein hohes Unterdrückungsverhältnis von grösser als 10 dB besitzen und stabil sein um ein gutes Systemperformance zu gewährleisten. Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen rein-optischen Demultiplexer basierend auf Halbleiterlaserverstärkern (semiconductor optical amplifier, SOA) in einem Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) als monolithisch integriertes Bauelement, das sogenannte monolithisch integrierte 'gewinn-verschobene' (gain shifted, GS) MZI. Das Operationsprinzip des Schalters ist rein-optisch und kann bei einer Übertragungsrate bis zu 160 Gbit/s eingesetzt werden. Der Schalter hat ein hohes Unterdrückungsverhältnis und die monolithische Integration ermöglicht die benötigte Stabilität. Mit dem hier untersuchten GS Schaltschema wurde ein Kompromiss zwischen den Vor- und Nachteilen der konventionellen und 'gewinn-transparenten' (gain transparent, GT) Schaltschemen angestrebt. Ausserdem präsentiert diese Arbeit den ersten monolithisch integrierten Schalter in einem unkonventionellen Schaltschema, da der GT-Schalter noch nicht als ein monolithisch integriertes Bauelement realisiert wurde. Das GS Schaltschema reduziert das Rauschen, die Patterneffekte und die Einfügedämpfung und ermöglicht eine breite Linearität. Ein polarisationsunempfindliches Design für monolithisch integrierte MZI wurde entwickelt. Hierdurch wurde eine prozesstolerante Herstellung von Bauelementen mit reduzierter Einfügedämpfung, reduzierten internen Reflektionen und einer verbesserten Faser-Chip Kopplung realisiert. Statisches und dynamisches Schaltverhalten des monolithisch integrierten GS-MZIs wurden analysiert. Fehlerfreies rein-optisches Schalten von 160 Gbit/s auf 10 Gbit/s konnte mit dem neuen monolithisch integrierten auf GS-SOA basierenden MZI für alle OTDM-Kanäle erfolgreich gezeigt werden.Optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) is one of the fundamental techniques to increase the transmission capacity on a fiber. At the receiver side the base rate data signals must be extracted from the OTDM data stream by using an optical switch with a demultiplexing function. Different approaches have been proposed and used for optical switching. The possible approaches can be categorized as follows: electro-optical demultiplexer and all-optical demultiplexer. The electro-optical demultiplexers rely on the electrical control of the switching function. The general principle of the all-optical switches relies on the control of light by light. Some of the basic requirements for such a switch can be defined as follows: The switching time should be much less than the bit period of the OTDM data signal; it has to have high switching contrast of more than 10 dB; it should be stable to provide a good system performance. This thesis presents an all-optical demultiplexer based on semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) monolithically integrated in a 'gain shifted' (GS) Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI). The switch operates all-optically and can handle data rates up to160 Gbit/s. It has a high contrast ratio and the monolithic integration provides the required stability. The GS switching scheme investigated here intends to find a compromise between the advantages and disadvantages of the existing 'conventional' and 'gain transparent' (GT) switching schemes. Moreover, as a switch based on the GT-switching scheme was never realized as monolithically integrated device, this work presents the first monolithically integrated interferometric switch in a non-conventional switching scheme. The GS-switching scheme provides reduced amplified spontaneous emission noise, reduced pattern effects, better linearity and low insertion loss. A polarization insensitive design of the monolithically integrated GS-MZI was developed, which enables process tolerant technological realization of devices with reduced internal losses, reduced internal reflections and improved fiber-chip coupling. Static and dynamic switching performances of the GS-MZI have been analyzed and compared with existing solutions. Error-free all-optical demultiplexing from 160 Gbit/s to 10 Gbit/s has been successfully performed with the monolithically integrated MZI comprising GS-SOAs for all OTDM channels

    Yapay Sinir Ağları Yöntemi ile Ermenek Havzası’nın (Karaman) Kayma Türü Heyelan Duyarlılık Değerlendirmesi

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    Ermenek Nehri havzası 4020 km2 ile Göksu nehrinin ana alt havzalarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Havzada heyelanlar yaygın olarak yanal ve düşey geçişli Miyosen kırıntılı ve karbonatlı birimlerin içerisinde gözlenmektedir. 1000 m’nin üzerinde derinliğe sahip vadi yamaçlarında derin kayma türü heyelanlar, resifal kireçtaşlarının oluşturduğu platform kenarlarındaki dik yamaçlarda ise kaya düşmeleri yaygındır. Bu çalışmada Ermenek nehri havzasında kayma türü heyelanların duyarlılık değerlendirmesi yapay sinir ağları yöntemi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma alanında toplam alanı 161 km2 olan 302 adet heyelan bulunmaktadır. Duyarlılık değerlendirmelerinde heyelanları hazırlayıcı faktörler olarak jeoloji, sayısal yükseklik modeli, yamaç eğimi, pürüzlülük indeksi, teğet, düzlemsel, kesit yamaç eğrisellikleri, topoğrafik nemlilik indeksi, ortalama eğim, yüzey-röliyef oranı değişkenleri kullanılmıştır. Heyelan duyarlılık modellemesi için elde edilen veri seti, rastgele seçim yöntemiyle %15 test, %15 doğrulama ve %70 analiz olarak üç bölüme ayrılmıştır. Elde edilen duyarlılık haritası çok düşük – çok yüksek arasında 5 sınıfta değerlendirilmiştir. Duyarlılık haritasının doğruluğu, başarı tahmin ve alıcı işletim karakteristiği eğrileriyle elde edilmiştir. Duyarlılık haritasında mevcut heyelanların %77’sinin, çalışma alanının %29’una karşılık gelen yüksek ve çok yüksek duyarlı sınıflar içerisinde yer aldığı, alıcı işletim eğrisi altında kalan alan ise 0.893 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak elde edilen duyarlılık haritasının yüksek kestirim kapasitesine sahip olduğu görülmüştür.Ermenek River is one of the major tributary of the Göksu river with a watershed area of 4020 km2 .The lateral and vertical transitional Miocene clastic and carbonate units are widely exposed in the area along the deeply incised valleys with elevation range of more than 1000 m. Deep-seated slides on the valley sides and the rock fall events along the steep slopes on the edge of the reefal limestone platforms are abundant in the area. In this study susceptibility assessments for slide type landslides were evaluated using artificial neural network method. 302 landslides covering an area of 161 km2 were identified in the study area. Geology, digital elevation model, slope, roughness index, tangential, plan and profile curvatures, topographic wetness index, mean slope, surface-relief ratio were used for the landslide preparatory factors during the susceptibility assessments. The data base used in susceptibility models were randomly separated into three of which, 70 % for the analysis and 15 % for the test and validation sets. Landslide susceptibility map has been classified into five susceptibility classes from very low to very high. The validation of the landslide susceptibility map was evaluated by the prediction-success rate and receiver operator characteristics curve. As a consequence, it has seen that the produced susceptibility map has high prediction capacity where 77 % of the substantial landslides were located in the high and very high susceptiblity classes corresponding 29 % of the study area with the area under the receiver operator characterisctic curve of 0.893

    Landslide Susceptibility Assessment of the Gökçay Watershed using Decision Tree Method

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    Bu çalışmada, Göksu Nehri havzasının ana kollarından biri olan Gökçay Nehri havzasında (4425 km2) karar ağacı yöntemi ile heyelan duyarlılık değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Çalışma alanında toplam alanı 77 km2 olan 152 adet kayma türü heyelan bulunmaktadır. Karar ağacı yönteminde Kikare otomatik etkileşim dedektörü algoritması kullanılmıştır. Heyelanları hazırlayıcı çevresel faktörler olarak arazi kullanımı, jeoloji haritası, sayısal yükseklik modeli, yamaç eğimi, yamaç eğrisellikleri, pürüzlülük indeksi, eğim/yamaç yönelimi oranı kullanılmıştır. Heyelan duyarlılık değerlendirmesi için çalışma alanı veri matrisi %80 analiz ve %20 doğrulama olarak ikiye ayrılmıştır. Duyarlılık haritasının performansı doğrulama ve analiz veri setlerinin başarı tahmin eğrileri ve alıcı işletim karakteristik eğrileri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buna göre elde edilen heyelan duyarlılık haritasında çalışma alanının %22’si, analiz heyelanlarının %75,42’si, test heyelanlarının ise %73,55’i orta, yüksek ve çok yüksek duyarlı bölgelerde yer aldığı görülmüştür. Alıcı işletim karakteristik eğrisi altında kalan alan analiz ve doğrulama veri setlerinde sırasıyla 0.848 ve 0.764 olarak elde edilmiştir.In this study, a landslide susceptibility evaluation was carried out by decision tree method in Gökçay River subwatershed (4425 km2 ) which is one of the two main branches of Göksu River. 152 landslides covering 77 km2 were delineated in the study area. In decision tree method, Chisquare automatic interaction detector algorithm was used. Land-use, geological map, digital elevation model, slope, slope curvature, roughness index, slope/aspect ratio were used as landslide preperatory factors. For the landslide susceptibility assessment, the study area was divided into 80% for the training data and the rest for the validation data. The performance of the susceptibility map was verified by the success prediction curves and the receiver operating characteristic curves. It has found that 22 % of the study area including 75.42 % of the training and 73.55 % of the validation landslides were found in the medium to very high susceptible classes. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was for the training and the validation datasets were found 0.848 and 0.764 respectivel